5 Advantages Of Veneers | Hartsdale Cosmetic Dentistry

5 Advantages Of Veneers | Hartsdale Cosmetic Dentistry

Most people enjoy smiling and showing off their happiness. However, some may be conscious of their smile because of chips, cracks, or discoloration, and smiling may be the last thing on their mind. Veneers allow you to get the smile of your dreams without the pain or suffering associated with other treatment options. This blog post is all about veneers and their many advantages. And if you are looking for a professional dentist for this procedure, reach out to Hartsdale Cosmetic Dentistry. 


What is It and Their Benefits on Dental Care

Veneers is one of the most common cosmetic dentistry treatments. They are thin, tooth-colored shells that dentists attach to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. Most patients choose them to hide chipped, broken, stained, or small teeth. And they are made of porcelain or resin composite materials. 


These shells are a more long-lasting and cost-effective alternative to a dental crown, which covers the top of your tooth to protect it but requires shaving down the tooth's surface. They do not improve your oral health by themselves. Still, they add to oral hygiene by resisting acid and decay while dazzling your smile.


5 Advantages Of Veneers 

These are five advantages that explain why this treatment is a better alternative than other cosmetic dentistry procedures:

1. They Are Custom-Made 

Veneers will completely fit your natural teeth because they are custom-made for each patient. When the dentist finishes attaching them to your teeth, they will mold to ensure a perfect fit. They'll appear and feel so natural that only you and your dentist will be aware of their presence.

2. They Are a Quick Fix 

Numerous cosmetic dentistry procedures are available to correct dental concerns such as crooked teeth, gaps, and uneven surfaces. However, the majority of them take a long time. Furthermore, they frequently cause substantial discomfort in the process.


However, dental veneers are a less invasive option. Rather than fixing the underlying structural problems, they develop an attractive facade to hide them. They can produce a similar cosmetic solution in a fraction of the time it takes for other treatments.

3. They Are Easy To Maintain

Another significant advantage is that they do not require extra maintenance or care after application. To preserve them in good shape and look wonderful, you must brush and floss regularly. Floss daily to eliminate any food or plaque stuck between your teeth. Staining, rotting, and other problems can be avoided by following these healthy behaviors. 

4. They Require Minimal Removal of Enamel

When enamel fades, it's gone for good. Fortunately, this dental care treatment only requires a minimal layer to be removed. If a bit of enamel is not removed, the veneer will appear large and painful when affixed to the tooth. You may not need any anesthesia at all because the treatment is non-invasive.

5. They Are Cost-Effective 

While the initial investment may appear significant, they are incredibly cost-effective over time. They require only two consultations, and the expense is split between the cost of the shells and the installation. Veneers will strengthen your teeth and help you avoid subsequent dental issues that may require costly surgery.


Take The Next Step | Veneers Specialist in Hartsdale, NY

Get the smile you have always wanted and show off your beautiful teeth. If you are looking for a veneers specialist in Hartsdale, NY, Hartsdale Cosmetic Dentistry is your option. We use innovative tools and diagnostic equipment to create the perfect custom treatment plan. Dr. Larry S Honigman selected America's Best Dentist and NY Top Docs, and his team will assist you towards your best oral health. Visit our website to schedule an appointment with our team, or contact us at (914) 682-9096.

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